Monday, December 10, 2012


I had forgotten that at our last dinner together we were going to start blogging again.  Too bad that I forgot because maybe then I would have started doing well with the other stuff we decided to do also.  We agreed to $1 a day for each day that we did myfitness and stayed under calories.  Well I have been so out of control that I have not even tried to count.  I do not want to go there and when I don't I go to the fridge and the store, etc, etc.  So far I have not even earned one $.  What is up with that.  I am up 4 pounds since November 8th.  Help!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Are We Back?

I just thought I'd check the blog tonight and see if anyone has written.  I guess it's up to me to start!  I've done well on our new plan so far . . . I'm 2 for 2.  How are the rest of you doing?

Monday, September 17, 2012


Hey.  With all the other stuff going on I have forgotten to post anything on this blog.  Looking forward to the hike.  Can't wait to go.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It's September!

How's everyone doing?  I actually know the answer since we also have our Tiger facebook page, but I thought I'd ask anyway! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Rule #5 Eat 30 - 50 g fiber a day

Okay . . . back to the skinny rules!  I've kind of been following them somewhat.  It's hard to know what makes a difference for sure.  I'm guessing this is a pretty good rule, but when I first read it I thought, "I don't want to count my fiber too!"  I'm diligently counting calories.  I don't think myfitnesspal does fiber too.  Maybe it does--I should check.  Anyway, I'm wondering if I'm already getting enough fiber anyway with all the fruits and vegetables.  Have any of you ever tried to count your fiber?  I'd be curious to know how much you need to eat of grains, vegetables, or whatever to meet this requirement.

Heather, I know you had a break, but I'm sure you'll be back on track and going strong as usual!  Cherie is working hard in New York.  What a team!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Back at it

I'm eating well again and hope to have this toxic sugar out of my body soon! It's making me feel gross!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bad bad bad

Oh dear bad day eating wise for this lady! I could name a million excuses... But excuses are lame.