Wednesday, August 31, 2011

End of August

Congratulations to our 100%'ers: Ilene and Lisa!!!! You two are amazing and inspiring!

We had a good meeting tonight--encouraged each other on. We decided our next meeting will be Tuesday, Oct. 4--same time, same place. (Thanks Ilene.)

My goals are the same other than I'm going to make it a goal NOT to weigh myself the whole month. I'll weigh tomorrow morning (Sept 1) and then no more until Oct. 1. I'm doing this so I can focus more on how I feel and how my clothes fit rather than what the scale says. I started this a few days ago and I already I feel thinner. It may be just in my head, but at least I'm happy!

My plan is to be 100% in September. Yes, I will do it this time and join the rest of you!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Allison!

Today is my baby's 19th birthday. Can you believe it?

I met my goals today which means I avoided birthday cake and ice cream. The nice thing about having a 19 year-0ld is that she wanted to make her own cake!

I hope you're all doing well and can make it to our meeting tomorrow night. Here's to a successful September.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ahhh...the sweet sound of SILENCE!

Well, the girls went back to school today. I SO enjoyed the quietness in the house...yes I love them home, but there's nothing like the 1st day back to school where I can get a few hours of mid-day silence.

I met my goals today. Looking forward to seeing ya'll Wednesday!

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Well, I did my 12 days of "repentance" and then I slipped again! I didn't meet my goals both Friday and Saturday, but I did today. This is quite the ongoing process! It's hard to believe, but we'll be meeting this Wednesday already.

It's fun to hear from those who write. I keep thinking that as long as we're trying we're still a success.

Have a great first day of school!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


No posts yesterday so I guess we will catch up. We did not go to NYC as it is shutting down and we would have been there just in time to evacuate. We were supposed to be at the Statue of Liberty, ground O and a broadway show today. All those things have been canceled and the hotel we were to stay at is in the evacuation zone so I am glad to be here instead of there. I was bummed yesterday though and chocolate made me feel better. Oops. Good luck today, I am going to meet my goals.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


So far so good today. I am leaving town for a week so scrambling to get things done. Not sure I will have internet so will check in if I can. When I travel with Dave I lose weight because he does not ever think about food (so strange, as I think about it all the time). I plan to eat only high nutrition food and strive to not get blown away by a hurricane or shaken by earthquakes.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Help

How was it ladies?? I'm sure fantastic!! Hope you had a splendid time!
I met goals.
I'm looking forward to some hiking coming up!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy Tuesday People!!

Hey Ladies! I can hardly wait for tomorrow night...I so need some girl time...not that I don't get enough here with my girls...I just need grown up girl time I guess :0)

Today was a great day...I got invited to play volleyball in Rigby on Tues and Thurs so today was my first day...the girls playing were very strong players (two of them were over 6') and we played 4 on 4 so I had a good 2 hour workout :0) That'll be a new fun thing for me during the week!

This has been a great month...I think we're all doing great! Keep it up ladies!

23 for 23 :0)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday, monday

Met my goals today. I will pick you up at 5:40 Ilene on Wednesday. Anyone else want a ride? Where are you Chris? I agree Elise, yuck for school starting. Sorry you can't come Heather and Elise. It will not be the same without you. Good job on the vacation Heather glad you had so much fun and did so well. So far August seems to be going great for the HLC. Yeah!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I wish summer could go on forever. I also wish I had not made chocolate chip cookies today but that is another story. Hope you are having a great day. Lisa, you party animal to get that many ladies to go to a movie. Should be great fun. Anyone want a ride to Rumbi and the movie on Wednesday night? I will pick up whoever wants to go together.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sunny Saturday

Cherie, Lisa, Ilene . . . wow, you're doing so great! It's fun to read your comments. Heather, I'm sure you're doing great also. Anyone else?

I'm happy to say that I met my goals today. I ate well plus spent a lot of time in the yard--We now have a few less weeds than we did this morning, but there are still a lot to tackle.

Any takers for a Tuesday bike ride?

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday, Friday!

It looks like we have a great weekend ahead of us!

I met my goals today. I'm gearing up mentally for the weekend as weekends seem to have been my downfall in the past.

Is anyone interested in running a 5K at Shelley Spud Days on Sep 17? I picked up a few entry forms today. It's $20 if you sign up by Aug. 31st.

I'm looking forward to Wednesday! Some of my school friends went last night and they raved about it all day today.

I hope everyone has a great weekend--fun and healthy too!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I love, love, love what Heather said in yesterdays comment. She said, I don't think I could be happier." I feel that way too sometimes and am setting a goal to feel that way more often by being grateful for all the great things in my life and all the great people (you guys). On that happy note I have to confess to having a rough day nutrition wise. Geraldine's called my name in a big way. I made Dave eat the rest tonight so tomorrow is another day. That makes me 15 for 18 I think, it might actually by 14 for 18, I lost track.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Good day

Hey. Fun bike ride tonight. Thanks for joining us Elise and Allison. Good times Ilene and Kim. I met my goals today, hope you did too. Can't wait to see the movie next week, I hear it is so good. Hope you are having lots of fun in CA Heather.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I met my goals today. I hope everyone is having a nice time with this beautiful weather.

See you tomorrow night at 7 pm in the church parking lot!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Greetings from the Land of the Lost

Hey, remember me?  :)

I know it's too late to join your 100% group for this month, and frankly, it's also too late for me to "repent" for the first half of the month!  Still, I decided that it's pretty silly to not start today just because it's the 15th and not the 1st.  So here we go. 

I've been thinking about joining Weight Watchers.  I'm not super excited about that prospect, but obviously I'm struggling to make it on my own and I think that having to pay for it would motivate me to stay with the program. 

I updated the sidebar to show upcoming activities-- are those still right?  And is it 7 PM or 7 AM for the bike ride on Wednesday?  I'll try to keep that updated.  :)  Happy Monday everyone!

PS-- My parents came over here for dinner last night and left ALL of the dessert stuff.   I've got strawberry shortcake, ice cream... sheesh.  Thanks a lot Mom!  ;)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

100% club drop out

I was about to write that I was the first 100% dropout, but now I see that Cherie has joined me--boo hoo! I've actually missed 2 days. It has just been such crazy--but good--times here! I haven't overeaten out of frustration, just haven't taken the time to plan, measure, etc.

I'm happy to hear that so many are doing so great though!!

I don't know if we're still doing the repentance thing, but I'm going to pretend like we are because I'm afraid if I don't I'll just give up for the month (very silly thing to do). We said it was 6 days of being perfect to make up for one bad day, so my plan is to totally stick to my goals for the next 12 days, well really longer, but at least 12 days to make up for these past 2. It's a plan!

Saturday, August 13, 2011


My tongue has been screaming for ice cream....I'm dying here...someone help me!!!

I'm still 13 for 13 :0) I'm gonna make it this month!!! I'm determined...but I'm struggling big time....

Friday, August 12, 2011

Kim's big day

What a great day for you getting Caitlin back home. Hope things went well. It is good to be home where it is warm (not words usually said about Idaho). Met my goals so far 12 for 12 even on vacation (it is easy because Dave is never hungry and does not eat). I weighed this morning at home and stayed the same as last week. Hope you all are losing like crazy, sounds like you are very successful so far this month. Let's keep up the good work.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Hello Ladies! The weekend's around the corner :0) yipee

Met my goals today....11 for 11 :0)

Hope ya'll are doing great!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Early today

Still in San Francisco (cold here, highs in the 50's every day). I had to drag out winter clothes and it was fun because they don't fit. Sounds like all of you are doing so great. I am 9 for 9, sounds like we are all having a good month. My goals have changed because I am trying to maintain and it is hard to know how much and what to eat. I am anxious to get home and weigh to see if I got it right the last week. Lots of exercise as we walk miles each day to get wherever. Going to the Giants game, today will be home tomorrow. Keep up the good work, you guys are so inspiring.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hopefully I do this right this time! I'm in SLC with my daughter and granddaughter. FUN! I'm still 8 for 8 and great!

Monday, August 8, 2011

8 for 8 . . . Feeling great!

Here I am, first again. I met my goals today. It's funny how Monday is so much easier than Sunday! I hope you're all doing well.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Hi everyone! I hope you've had a good weekend. I seriously considered taking the day off today, but I didn't want to have to admit it to all of you! So, yes, I did meet my goals today. I hope you had a good day too--7 out of 7!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Good bye and good luck

Had a great time at my class reunion last night. Did not get home until 1 a m. Dave thinks I am crazy. It was interesting because I could recognize the women really well and not the men at all. If you are ever in charge of a class reunion have people put first and LAST names on name tags (the High School name). I still do not know which Dave's, Bob's or Greg's are which. Great fun though. Off to San Francison today for 6 days, seafood here I come. I hope to be 11 for 11 when I return. Hope you are too. It is so much fun and such good motivation to hang out with all of you. YOU ARE AWESOME. Keep it up.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Man, I sure got spanked on the bike ride this morning!! Kim and Ilene were maniacs :0) I stayed in the rear the whole time...AMAZING women!! My hamstrings are aching tonight, but great workout...LOVED IT! Thanks Ladies!

Heather...I loved visiting with your mom and daughter today...thanks for sharing them with me! I don't think I've ever heard a sweeter voice than your daughters. And your mom is a wonderful woman...I'm looking forward to visiting with her again. are truly beautiful. (period)

I do my blind weigh-in in the morning :0)

Goals met...5 for 5!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Passed it by

Everywhere I went today (I went a lot of places) I saw my favorite treat or something extra yummy. I passed them all by and am proud of myself. 4 for 4 ladies, I know you are too. Tomorrow is my H S class reunion so I am stressing about what to wear (silly me). Hope all of you were successful today.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

3 for 3; We're on a roll!

It was fun meeting with everyone tonight! I think we're all going to do well this month. If nothing else, we need to look good for Heather's wedding pictures! (just kidding)

I met my goals today.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

2 for 2

2 for 2, hope you are too (that rhymes sort of). Chris, great to have you blogging. Can't wait to hear how good your August turns out to be. I saw Kim and Heather running tonight, way to go ladies, wish I liked to run. I did walk 4 miles today. See all of you tomorrow. I think the meeting is at 5:30 at Ilene's house. If that is not right someone post about it. As for the bike ride how about we meet in the church parking lot at 7:00. I guess we can decide tomorrow where to go.

Monday, August 1, 2011

August is here

New month, new goals. I met mine today. Looking forward to seeing all of you on Wednesday. Who is biking on Thursday? We scheduled a ride to Smitty's or somewhere fun that morning at 7 am.