Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sunny Saturday

Cherie, Lisa, Ilene . . . wow, you're doing so great! It's fun to read your comments. Heather, I'm sure you're doing great also. Anyone else?

I'm happy to say that I met my goals today. I ate well plus spent a lot of time in the yard--We now have a few less weeds than we did this morning, but there are still a lot to tackle.

Any takers for a Tuesday bike ride?


  1. I met my goals. Had fun riding to the farmers market, and playing water volleyball with the kids, followed by a water fight.
    Summer is good!

  2. I finally rode my bike to the farmers market. Such fun except not much produce would fit in my basket. Good day. Would love to ride Tuesday but have appointments at 6 and 7.
