Friday, March 4, 2011

Early today

I have a crazy afternoon and evening but a calm morning so am posting now. Sounds like everyone is doing great, Elise, let us know how diet repentence works. Hoping to hear from you, Becky. Good news, after gaining weight the last several months I lost 4 pounds my first week of weight watchers (not even a week since I started Monday). Good weigh-in and good motivation to keep going. Good luck to all of you, you are awesome.


  1. Wow! Cherie!
    I am sure that we will all have to do diet repentance some time or other.
    I think it is cool how hard everyone is working. Way to go!
    I met my goals again.

  2. WAY 2 GO Cherie!!!

    I met my goals today :0)

  3. I also met goals today!! Great job ladies, you all amaze and inspire me!!

  4. Good job everyone!

    I met my goals today.

    As you may or may not know, i broke my arm/wrist Friday afternoon skiing. And I was having such a great time! So I was going to dropout of the HLC for the month since I'm going to have to modify my exercise greatly, but I decided that would give me the greenlight to overeat, so I'm going to stay in and at least stick to weight watchers. I know I've lost a few pounds too since Monday, but now I can't weigh myself because I'm sure this cast weighs a few pounds. It might be a good way to break away from the scale! I'll be seeing a specialist on Monday morning and then I'll have a better idea of my exercising future.

    Keep up the good work!!
