Saturday, March 19, 2011

March madness

March madness for B Ball and for the crazy weather. Hope all you all had a good day today. I met my goals.


  1. Congratulations Cherie on your weight loss!

    For some unknown reason, I woke up today and thought, "I'm ready to get serious again." So I planned out the week's menues, went grocery shopping, and now I'm prepared to meet my goals for the rest of the week (and beyond). I was 100% on my eating today--didn't exercise--but I will start again on Monday.

    I hope you're having a great weekend!

  2. Yea Kim... Good for you!!! Cherie 6 lbs is slot, especially because you already look amazing! Me, I just finished running 10 miles. Feels great. I still really miss you Kim ALOT!!! I met my goals.

  3. Woo Hoo BYU!! Good job to you ladies, too. I met my goals this weekend and am feeling better with more energy than I have in awhile.

  4. Wow! You are all doing a great job. I'm inspired by all of you. Congratulations on goals met, and progress being made.
    I have 4 days of serious repenting to be made. I have met all of my exercise goals. Eating. . . not so good. Tomorrow is another day, and a great time to renew and do better.
