Thursday, April 7, 2011

Snow . . . again

Is it really snowing again?! I have a new bike sitting out in my garage waiting for me to ride it. I can't wait.
Who ordered this snow anyway?
I love Spring. Normal Spring. But I guess this IS normal Spring in Idaho Falls.
I hope you all had a great day.
Met my goals today. Don't plan on eating anymore today.


  1. Congratulations Ilene on the new bike. Is it a cute cruiser? Maybe you can ride it in May, the forecast does not look so good. I heard you won your volleyball game Lisa. Sounds like fun. I met my goals today even though we went to Olive Garden. Hope you did too.

  2. I can hardly wait to go on a bike ride! I think it's supposed to get up to 60 next week.

    Good job Cherie. Olive Garden can be tough. Did you know 1 breadstick is 4 points? Keep up the good work Ilene! I met my goals today too.

  3. Yea ladies!!! I met goals too. My trainer really ramped up my workout and it was hard, but feels good too.
