Friday, October 21, 2011


House full of company and feeding the 5000 for a few days makes it hard to stick to goals (excuses, excuses). Hope you are doing better than I am.


  1. It's okay Cherie! You look really great, and I'm sure you'll get back at it when things settle down. Be easy on yourself!

    I met my goals today--just finished Atkins Induction. I actually did it 100% which is somewhat surprising because I've started it several times and never made it the full 14 days.

    Good job Heather and Lisa. You're just fading away! Wow, today is Heather's last Friday as a single woman.

  2. Good job Kim!

    I'm excited for the Shower tomorrow! I love seeing ya'll whenever I can. Heather thanks for getting married so we can have a PARTY!

    I met my goals.

    Cherie, I agree with Kim...take it have great strength when it comes to getting back on track. You're awesome.

  3. Awe how I love you ladies!!! It's simply so fun to read your posts!
    I did not meet my goals. I went to dinner with friends and ate nachos! I'm off Atkins for the next 10 days... Then back 100% on Atkins! I don't plan to go crazy with food over the next 10 days, but plan to enjoy my wedding and sweet soon to be husband! GREAT SCOTT!!!!

  4. Wow Heather, that sounds awesome!
    You are all doing so great. I'm doing not so nearly great. I am holding my own, but I only I've only lost 3 pounds since the meeting. I haven't been feeling well this month, so the exercising is not so good. I hope to get to a doctor soon, and get this body figured out. Until then, I'll look at all of your great successes, and work on mine at my own pace.
