Monday, February 28, 2011

Last day of the month

Yeah for March. Just the thought of spring is wonderful. I am so excited to take a walk outside for a change and am excited for those of you that like to run to be outside also. Also glad for a chance to start over. I went to weight watchers and decided to try their plan starting tomorrow. I think I need the weigh-in once a week. The chocolate fest last night ended February for me the way it began, not so good but I am excited about March. See you tomorrow.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

February--almost the end

Well, I have to say, it's really no fun to blog when you haven't been doing so well! That's all I'll say about me haha. Great job Heather! It sounds like you're doing well too, Annette. Cherie-good to hear you're back on track. How's everyone else doing?

It's already time to meet again! We'll meet this Tuesday, March 1st, at 5:30 at Ilene's. If you have a chance to break your 10 into 2 5's that would be great! We may have some new members joining us--yahoo! I'm ready to make it a MAGNIFICENT March. How about you?

P.S. I'm starting my healthy living tomorrow with new vigor. I'm not waiting until Tuesday.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

8 miles

I just got home from running 8 long miles, I'm so proud of myself!! I ate fantastic today too and overall feel pretty darn good! Hope everyone else is feeling good too???

Friday, February 25, 2011

Funky Friday

I say funky because everyone I talk to has been sick in February. We need spring. I met my goals today for the first time in a long time and it felt great.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Helloooo friends

Good to be back, I think. Sounds like February has been somewhat hard but also somewhat successful for all of you. So glad you are feeling better Heather and such fun to read the blog about what the rest of you are doing. Way to hang in there. We had a great two weeks cruising around not too warm parts of Europe. We started in Rome, went to various ports in Sicily, Spain and France and ended in Rome again. The cruise we were on was Italian and there were only about 20 passengers that spoke English. By the end after trying to speak Italian, Spanish, and French I was very confused. We then hopped a train and spent some time in southern Italy. I have to say that Italy and a cruise are not great for low carb eating. I had lots of yummy food and after trying to hold back for a few days just let it all go. I enjoyed every bite except for the octopus and squid that showed up in a variety of unexpected places. However we walked for miles, and miles and miles and miles. I weighed today and I am exactly the same as well I left even down to a 10th of a pound. What a relief.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Running fun

I met my goals today! Just got back from running 3 miles and it felt great. Amazing how much easier running is when I eat well during the day! I am going to run 8 miles on Saturday.... Who's with me??? :) I might walk some of it if that persuades anyone!! Happy trails my friends!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

22nd already....

I met my goals today!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Presidents day

I met my goals and feel great!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I met my goals for both Saturday and sunday. Went a little overboard on my free day but oh well I guess there is always another one around the bend!

Friday, February 18, 2011

18th already

Happy Trails Friends the month is moving right along and that means that SPRING is coming. I met my goals today. I am so sore that I can hardly stand to walk and very much hate the effort of sitting down. WOOHOO working those awesome hamstrings of mine! :) Happy long Weekend my friends!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ohhh..we're supposed to blog EVERYDAY?? tee hee

How are my favorite ladies ever?? I miss all ya'll! Good to read and catch up with how you're all doing. Way to go US!!

Heather I'm so glad your finally feeling better.

All is well here...just busy. I'm off the court for a couple of weeks as I got "tennis elbow". So, no upper-body weights or racquetball for a while. BOO HOO! I played 4 hours of volleyball yesterday though. That was a BLAST!

Workouts have been amazing, but the diet has been so-so this last week...I took valentines as my free day for eating, and I haven't stopped! Hope to jump back on as soon as all of my chocolate dipped strawberries are gone :0)

Keep up the good work ladies!!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I met my goals today. It sounds like everyone else is doing well too. Hurrah!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

the day after Valentine's

Yes, Annette, you deserve extra points. About the $5000 in products prize . . .It's Abbott Laboratories so the winner can get things other than protein powder such as baby formula and Ensure.

I met my nutritional goals today plus I had a good workout (well, good now that it's over). I hope you're all doing well!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

First, I'd like to invite all of you to a Pampered Chef party this Saturday at Annalee's. It's at 2:00 and she'll be serving a delicious lunch.

I met my goals today. I always feel so much better when I eat right and exercise--don't know why I have to take a few days off to remind myself of that!

About the Body for Life challenge and my promise to take you all out for dinner if I win . . . .Well, a few weeks ago I decided to go back to my ChaLean Extreme DVD's for strength training because I really like them and I was having a hard time figuring out exactly what I was supposed to do at the gym. Also, I couldn't find the BFL protein bars in bulk very easily, so I had already decided that I probably wouldn't enter the contest since I wasn't doing the program 100%. Well, today I found that they finally posted the 2011 contest guidelines. (Before I was just going off the 2010 information). The grand prize has changed! Instead of $25,000 cash the winner now get $5000 in their products. That would be a lot of protein powder. Soooo, I'm glad I had decided not to do it anyway because I definitely am not interested in THAT prize. Sorry about the dinner :).

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Saturday and Sunday

I guess I will blog for both days. I met my goals on Saturday. SO excited to report that Saturday when I woke up I actually felt good. What a blessing to have good health and to be able to excercise...something I often take for granted.

Sunday so far so good, going to go to the gym tonight and force myself to run a couple of miles. I am loving that the snow is melting! Perhaps that little groundhog was right...

Happy New week to us all! May it be a blessed, happy, goal met one! :)

Friday, February 11, 2011


I met my exercise goals, but I'm sad to say that I did not meet my nutritional goals. I had today off and for some reason, I was a little too relaxed in the eating area. I hope you are all having a great weekend--no matter where you are in the world!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday, Feb. 10

I'm a little surprised to be the first one on the blog today! Welcome back, Annette. Nice to see you on the blog, Elise!

I had a hard time "sticking to it" yesterday, but I did make it through. I also met my goals today. I just got back from the gym. Thanks for bringing the yummy strawberries to book club Annette.
I hope everyone else is doing well. It sounds like half our group will be in Salt Lake this weekend. Have a fun and healthy time. I hope to hear a good report from you too Heather.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I have been bad about blogging this month, too much going on. I leave tomorrow for two weeks and won't have access to a computer most of the time so I wish you well. Glad you are feeling better Heather, what a bad couple of weeks. Good job the rest of you. Lisa, it is such fun that you are playing raquetball with your son. I hope you enjoy the next few weeks. Have fun cross country skiing.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Hi Ladies!

HOOORAAYYY for Heather!! So glad you're feeling better! It's gonna feel so good to get back into your groove of working out! Hope you can soon!

I've met my goals the past few days :0) I'm actually craving runs on the treadmill. CRAZY! It just feels so good lately...WEIRD...

I've loved playing racquetball with my son...he's a maniac and beats me most of the time (not by much), but it's a heck of a workout, and good time with him before he leaves.

Hope all is well with my little group of friends...I love you ALL and am so thankful everyday to be living here.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Not feeling clever, but I met my goals today. Keep getting better Heather and the rest of you keep on going.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

New week

Sounds like you need a new week Heather. I have not been on the blog since Wednesday and did not know you had been so severly sick. I am so sorry. It sounds awful. I hope the Packers win just so you will have a reason to smile. Hope each day you are getting better. Hope the rest of you are doing well. Sounds like February has been a good month so far (except for poor Heather). I did not meet my goals today but I was 6 for 6 before that so I am still feeling good. Better than I have done for awhile. Way to hang tough ladies. Keep your chin up Heather.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


I hope everyone's weekend is going well. Cherie and I (along with Mary DeYoung)took our cross country ski class today. Talk about good exercise! It was fun plus it was beautiful up at Herriman today.

I met my goals today. I hope you're feeling better, Heather.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Hey ladies!

Heather, hope you're feeling better!

I met my goals this week. Gonna kick it into high gear from now to June...I'm heading out to Cali. and I wanna look HOT!!! :0) The plan is to keep it hot for life....BFL has really proven to me that it's a that's do-able for me :0)

Good weekend to ya'll!


Thursday, February 3, 2011


Met my goals today. Four in a row. Hope you did too.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Good meeting today. Thanks for the motivation. Congratulations to the three $ winners. Congrats also to all of you that lost weight. This month I will too. I am still relieved to have stayed the same but that is not good enough. So far three good days in a row.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New month

February, yeah, closer to spring. Did well yesterday, 1 down forever to go. Congratulations Ilene on the new baby, such fun to be a grandma. Congrats to those of you hanging in there, Heather you will get back on top of it once you and your family are all better, hope that is soon. Kim, good to have you back. The rest of you thanks for the inspiration.