Sunday, February 27, 2011

February--almost the end

Well, I have to say, it's really no fun to blog when you haven't been doing so well! That's all I'll say about me haha. Great job Heather! It sounds like you're doing well too, Annette. Cherie-good to hear you're back on track. How's everyone else doing?

It's already time to meet again! We'll meet this Tuesday, March 1st, at 5:30 at Ilene's. If you have a chance to break your 10 into 2 5's that would be great! We may have some new members joining us--yahoo! I'm ready to make it a MAGNIFICENT March. How about you?

P.S. I'm starting my healthy living tomorrow with new vigor. I'm not waiting until Tuesday.


  1. I'm back. . . in many ways.
    I, too, am ready to make this a meaningful month, healthwise.
