Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth day!

Recovery day... I'm sore today but it feels good because of the reward I feel by accomplishing the race. Goals met. Hope everyone is doing well. We are on our last week of this month, finish strong ladies! I'm super blessed by your friendships and examples in my life! Thank you to each one of you for being my friends, examples, and inspirations! I treasure you!!!G


  1. Yes, we had a great race and I appreciate so much everyone's support! Thanks!!!

    Well, I've been doing well on my exercise (haha) but my eating is another story. So, once again I'm reassessing, considering a variety of alternatives, and coming up with a nutrition plan. I know I just need to pick something and stick to it . . . I'll let you know what I come up with!

    Again, thanks so much for all your comments before and after the race. It means a lot! We're doing this again in July, by the way==not too late to join us in training!

  2. Hey ladies. So proud of Kim and Heather. I called you, Ilene this morning to see if you wanted to bike ride but Ann said you were at Doctor. HOpe you got a good report. I will try again for the bike ride. Good time to enjoy outside exercise and fun and games before the weather turns cold and rainy again. Loving the sunshine. Goals me today.
