Monday, May 7, 2012


I just read the news!! I'm shocked! But like the others, I know you'll jump back on when you're ready....I've met my goals and am feeling great! Steve's out of town this week, so I'm scared! I usually stress eat, but I'm hoping to keep my hands busy with lots of little projects!

Have a great week ladies!


  1. So as to not have any money change hands after the 100 day challenge, I ate sugar today. I hope I didn't jump the gun and forfeit a hundred dollars!
    By the way, it wasn't even good. I felt blah after eating it.
    Worked in the garden. Glorious day!

  2. I'm back on track and SO SO sore from my boot camp I did this morning. I'm happy to be back in the saddle. This new program I'm doing is going to be super fantastic and I'm up for a challenge for sure! So those words from last week come to mind... If you persevere you will triumph! Happy trails my buddies!!
    Ilene- I agree sugar is NOT worth it!

  3. We all fall down and get back up. I am doing well about every other day. I should try for 2 out of 3.
