Saturday, May 19, 2012

Friday and Saturday

For some reason my computer wouldn't even open the blog last night, but it's working just fine today, so who knows?  Anyway, how's everyone doing?? I know Cherie's in Logan, Ilene may still be in Seattle, but I think the rest of us are around.

This new program is really working for me!  I hit a new low in my weight yesterday-yahoo.  Today Heather and I ran a 5K with Elise, Courtni, and Caprice.  We were saying we hoped to do it under 30 minutes, but I didn't think I'd really be able to do it!  Well, Heather did it in 26 minutes (I forgot the seconds), and I was 30 seconds under 30 minutes--exciting!

I learned a good lesson yesterday that I thought I'd pass along, and that is to keep a healthy snack in your car at all times.  I had a bunch of places to go after school yesterday, but I didn't think it would take me as long as it did.  By 6 o'clock I was quite hungry because I hadn't eaten since 11.  I had a bag of candy I had bought for the piano students, and  . . . .you know the rest of the story.  If I had had something in my car that was healthy, I really think I would have chosen that.  So I'm going to come up with some kind of emergency snack to keep in the glove compartment.

I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Just got back from Utah (again). I avoided the deadly hospital cafeteria because my teeth hurt so bad I could hardly breathe let alone eat. Suzi gave me some good drugs that will get me through the weekend but you can believe I will be camped out on the dentists doorstep on Monday morning. Nothing like a root canal in the wrong tooth. I hurts now from the root canal and the original pain. Not fun. Congrats on your great results at the 5K. You guys rock. Come back soon Ilene.

  2. Cherie- I'm so sorry!! I can't believe your dentist did a root canal on the wrong tooth. Um he better give you something special for that mistake! ;)
    As Kim reported we did awesome in our race today. I'm not doing awesome on eating. Crazy thing is I'm losing weight still. It's not a good thing at all, because I know it will catch up with me! I'll get back on track here very soon.
    Happy Sunday HLC!! Love you sweet ladies something fierce!!!
