Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday already!?!

Where does time go?? I met my goals and am still getting my butt kicked every morning. I'm looking forward to not being so sore! But it means something's happening, right?!? Hope everyone is doing fantastic! Ilene- when do you leave on your trip?


  1. Go Heather!!!!

    Well, I was super busy tonight getting all the dresses ready for pick up tomorrow and Greg was out of town for the day so I didn't think about dinner . . .and there you go--I let myself get too hungry and too busy to be careful with my eating and so, no, I did not meet my goals today. I guess you probably don't need to hear all my reasons! or maybe you could call it rationalization. I'll be back at it tomorrow! I hope you're all doing well and enjoying this beautiful weather!

  2. GM weight the same for weeks now. I decided to be OK with that. You will get back at it Kim. Heather way to go trying a new workout. Have a good trip Ilene. I will be in Logan starting early tomorrow. Sorry to miss the temple and bike ride. I was looking forward to it but my mom and dad need help tomorrow. Keep on going, you guys inspire me.
