Saturday, September 18, 2010

Friday/Table Rock!

I guess the majority of our group was too busy hiking yesterday to post! I just thought I 'd put in a quick post for anyone who wants to report their Friday results.


  1. I met my goals. With over 7 hours of walking, I felt like I didn't have to worry too much about calories!

  2. I've met all my goals except for two days of nutritional goals when I was "forced" to eat after 8:30. :) I ordered some nachos at 8:25 P.M. and since I was still eating them after 8:30 I didn't make it. (Heather said it was the honor system and that I needed to be honest!...what would I do without her being my guide?) You hikers really need to introduce Heather to the concept of sunscreen! Man, her face was deep FRIED! I'm proud of all of you for that hike... heroines all.
