Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday the 18th

We had a great time hiking Table Rock, and yes, we made it to the top! It was the perfect day and well worth the effort. I hope everyone is feeling okay today. I definitely found a few new leg muscles, but my feet survived just fine.

A few housekeeping items: I sent out emails awhile ago suggesting we change our meeting time. I need to apologize for that because I know we had already agreed to meet on the 30th at our last meeting, so I should have just left that alone! So, let's plan to meet on Sept. 30th at 5:30 at Ilene's. Please bring $10 for Sept if you haven't paid, $10 for October, and the number of days in September that your met your goals. Do we also want to report pounds lost during the month? Maybe that could be optional. Also, at our last meeting we agreed that we would give Cherie a written copy of our goals, so if you haven't done that yet, please bring it to the meeting. We'll be talking about our next regular outing, a possible October hike, and a possible BIG outing in May. Anything else?

Keep up the good work everyone! I've been wondering if we should open up a consignment store to get rid of all the clothes we're shrinking out of (just kidding).


  1. Great post, Kim. Who ended up going on the hike? Did you go up and down the face? How long did it take each way? I'm happy that you all had a lot of fun.

  2. Annette, Elise, Kim, Cherie, Terry (Kim's Friend), Melanie Jacobsen, and I went on the hike. It really was fun. I don't believe I will ever eat anywhere more spectacular!! The entire hike was amazing, although hard, the surroundings every step of the way sure made it hard to think about the difficulty. I met my goals today.

  3. I looked at the pictures I took on the hike and they are stunning. What a great day. Thanks ladies, what great women you are. Let's do Palisaides lake in October if the weather holds. Maybe Ilene, Kathy and Julie could come then. We missed you. Looking forward to the meeting on the 30th.

  4. We went up the face and down Huckleberry. We all need to not forget to send our pictures to Anette.

    I met my goals today.
