Thursday, July 28, 2011


Better day today. Meet exercise and nutrition goals, hope you did too. Anyone want to move the HLC meeting to Tuesday?


  1. Wednesday works so Ilene can make it. Let's plan the meeting for Wednesday.
    I met my goals today. Things are hard emotionally so eating has been the last thing on my mind. That's not always a bad thing! Here's to a better day tomorrow and hopefully a good weight in!!

  2. Hi everyone!
    It's been fun to read about all of you. I have to say--although my vacation has been fun--I'm ready to come back! I can meet any time. Wednesday is fine for me too.
    I have not been sticking to any eating program these past few days. My mom has been ill and so we had to change a lot of our plans. It has been mildly stressful, and I have not made the effort to find healthy food. I also haven't "pigged out" so I don't think I've gained any weight, but I know I haven't lost any either. Well, that gives me something to work on in August, right?

  3. It will be nice to have you back Kim. You have been missed. Heather I hope everything is OK with you. I am still in Utah so won't be at the weigh in Friday. Would love to meet Wednesday. So far so good today but it is still early.
