Sunday, February 19, 2012

Brownies and home made fudge frosting

I made those tonight for my family and watched them delight in the pleasure of chewing them. I met my goals. Happy trails my friends... Here's to another great goal met week!!


  1. You are a woman of power Heather! I can barely stand it when my girls make stuff like that and I can just smell it, I think it would kill be to be so close to it...kinda like kryptonite to superman :0)

    I met my goals and feel great! Hope ya'll are doing great!

  2. Replies
    1. Oops! I'm using Allison's phone to post, I'll try again. Had the family over, fun times. Goals met!

  3. You guys are all so strong. Can't believe you can make brownies and frosting and not eat them. You are superwoman. Way to go all of you. You all look so good.
