Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope you all have a love-ly day! This is also my anniversary--Bruce says we got married on Valentines day so he would have lots of reminders of our anniversary. It must have worked cuz he's not forgotten in 31 years! I am eating fruits and veggies for breakfast and lunch so I can enjoy a nice restaurant dinner tonight. GM


  1. Not so good on the GM front today. Tomorrow is another day. Good luck.

  2. Congratulations Amnette, that is so fun and what a blessing to have those 31 years!
    I met my goals and still hate it a LOT that I can not have pop, or any of the artificial sweeteners in my water. But hey 3 days down and only 18 more to go to make it a habit. Happy Wednesday tomorrow!
    Ilene- how are you??

  3. I'm still here. Goals met. I'm enduring. Thank you, Cherie. for the visit today. You are so thoughtful! Go ladies.

  4. Happy Valentine's Day everyone and happy anniversary to Annette and Bruce!

    Good to hear from you, Ilene! Heather, I'm sure good days are just around the corner :).

