Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Met my goals today--

I've been getting ready for my trip and so I got my passport out and it was laying on the counter. I got it about 5 yrs and 50lbs ago plus my hair was several shades darker. Greg saw the picture and said (not trying to be funny even)--"If anyone really looks at this picture, they're not going to let you in. It doesn't look a thing like you!" That made me glad in some ways but also made me wonder if I should start dyeing my hair.

I hope you're all doing great!


  1. How funny, Kim!! I bet it was good to see.
    I also met my goals.

  2. Don't dye your hair. I think it is so pretty!

  3. Bring your passport to the next HLC meeting. It would be fun to see. Met goals today.

  4. I met my goals as well...had a treat last night, and it was so not worth it! But a good reminder that what I think I can't live without, really I can :0)

    I was noticing your hair Sunday Kim when you were sitting in front of me...I was thinking..."what a beautiful color" SERIOUSLY! Don't color it, it is so much to keep up with and it is already beautiful!
