Friday, June 29, 2012

The end of June--the beginning of July!

We had a great hike today--beautiful scenery, fun companionship . . .plus we each burned close to 2000 calories!!

A few things to decide--First, what to do with our money?? I gave Cherie $30. for her 3+% loss.  We decided no one needs to pay $10.  That leaves us $280.  One idea is to keep doing the percentage lost challenge and pay whoever earns it at the end of each month until the money runs out.  (At this rate, that could be a long time!  jk)  Or, we could go out to lunch and use the money to pay for everyone and then keep doing the challenge with the rest of the money.  Or, we could use the money for lunch and other activities until it runs out and forget about the weight loss rewards.  I'd vote to use the money to reward weight loss and to pay for our own lunches when we go out---but of course I totally support whatever the majority thinks. 

Speaking of lunch--we need to plan a date to ride our bikes and meet for lunch!  How does Wed, August 1st sound? (Is that when you're going to be gone, Heather?  Sorry, I can't keep everyone's plans straight!  If that's a bad day for you, could you suggest another?)

About the blog--what do you think?  Do you think it makes a difference checking in every day?  Can you think of anything else we can do to give the HLC a shot in the arm?  I feel like we're on the cusp of success--let's not quit now!


  1. Great hike ladies. I had such a good day. Thanks also for blogging Kim. I like the blog even if we don't all get to it everyday. It is a good way to encourage and plan. As for the $, I am saving the $ 30 to buy new clothes, thanks. It think we should still pay a monthly amount for percent of body weight lost and not pay any more in for awhile until we run out. Lets keep using is as incentive. Heather and I talked in the parking lot about doing lunch Tuesday, July 2nd at 11:30 at the place next to Great Harvest. Whoever wants can ride bikes in and she will walk over and meet us. Can you do that Kim and Lisa? Maybe Ilene would come also. Sounds fun to me. July will be awesome.

  2. Lunch on Tues. sounds great! Are we leaving at 11:30 or meeting at the restaurant at 11:30?

    See you at the bike ride tomorrow morning!
