Thursday, June 7, 2012


Hey all.   Congratulations on the better report for our Wednesday chart and percentages.  By the 27th we will all be making some $ to buy new clothes.  I was checking my calendar and the blog and noticed that Union falls is scheduled for hiking before Devil's Staircase.  Not sure if that is a switch but I would suggest we trade the two so that we get one more warm up hike in before Union (an 18 miler) and also give the river water more chance to go down a bit before we cross is 6 times.  I suggest we hike Devil's on June 29th and Union on July 13th unless there was a reason to change it.  Let me know what you think.  Keep up the good work.


  1. Goals met today.

    I'd really like to hike to Union Falls, and we'll be gone on July 13th, so what about this: Devils on June 29, Monument on July 13 and Union on July 27?

  2. Now I remember why it changed. I will be at a family reunion on July 27th. Let's just leave it as is. I will ask Mike Wheiler if he knows how the rivers are at Union. It is too good to miss.

  3. Do we want to move Union Falls to August? I know we have Table Rock planned, but either we could be wonder women and do both, or maybe move something to September???
