Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Can't believe it is Tuesday

Two days in and I am doing OK. Still too much junk food around (it would be nice if all people were on the same diet). Doing well with exercise. Hope things are going well for the rest of you. Kim and Heather you are doing awesome.


  1. Great to hear from you Cherie! I hope you continue to do well. I know what you mean about the rest of the world . . . I just finished up a 2 day conference where they served breakfast and lunch. I ate breakfast at home, but the lunches didn't fit any of the multitude of diets I've been on! Today I just ate the carrot sticks and tomatoes and waited until I got home at 5 to eat!

    I met my goals today.

  2. That is most impressive kim!! Cherie you are awesome and I hope that you continue to enjoy your vacation and skip a rock or two in the ocean~ or can you skip rocks in the ocean??? hmmm intersting! I just got home from the Bret Michael's concert and it was a blast, went to dinner with a friend and met my goals today. Now I have to try to get my ears to stop ringing! ;)
