Friday, July 16, 2010

Funky Friday

So far so good.


  1. haha Funky Friday--That's pretty good. So I did great on my exercises today. I did ChaLean in the hotel exercise room which I have to admit was somewhat embarrassing because there was just me and 3 men in there, and I was huffing and puffing while lifting these 8 lb weights! Now I know why I enjoy working out in the privacy of my basement. After that I ran 3 miles on the treadmill. I slipped up a bit on my eating--not too bad. In fact, I was still going to count today as meeting my goals but then I reminded myself that my goals are 100% compliance. I know I'll do better tomorrow!

  2. Great job Kim and Cherie!! Kim, I missed you when running today. I met my goals too. I went to the Chuckers game tonight and the churro's were calling to me~ but I resisted. I am having a hard time this week with food, I am managing to resist it, but man it's been very difficult to do so. I guess that is going to be life though~ it's not always going to just be easy.
