Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Welcome back Renee, I hope we get to hear from you on the blog every day. We have missed you. Congratulation to all of you that are doing awesome (everyone, it sounds like). You are an inspiration to me as well as just plain fun to be around. I am looking forward to going to Jackson and hiking etc this weekend with you guys.

Good days for exercise not so good for healthy eating. Treats at Bear Lake were plentiful and sweet. As for the report for my goals, I have met exercise goals 28/30. Nutrition goals 20/30 (not so good). Weight loss 0. I have not lost any weight but was trying to maintain. I think the next 30 days I will shoot to lose 5 more pounds. I need to watch my carbs closer and I feel better when I am being stricter about junk food.


  1. Glad you are back Cherie! I met my goals today.

  2. I met my goals today. I plan to lose at least 10 lbs. in the next 30 days--maybe more since I'm doing Atkins Induction at the moment. I've just completed my 2nd day and I'm amazed at how much better I feel already. (I know I've said this before :).)
