Thursday, June 9, 2011


I am sorry to post first again. If I don't do it early I forget. I had a good day today and am looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow. Is anyone staying to the meeting? I am. Hope all of you are doing great.


  1. I met my goals. Atkins.... Pretty sure I'm going to do it again. I want the weight gone. I am tired of being so hungry all the time, but do like the great variety and ease of availability of WW, most of all I like my hair! :) but I figure I can hurry and lose the weight and maintain it with excersise. I'm rambling on so when I make up my mind in the next few days, I'll let you know.

  2. First I need to say that if you thought my house smelled funny it's because we had a dinner with fresh Parmesan cheese! Yum. I didn't realize how strong it was until just now when I returned home from my run. Yikes. I'm trying to decide if I should tell everyone on the book club email!

    I met my goals today, and yes, I'm staying for the meeting tomorrow.

    Are you two eating your activity points? I eat mine and I am rarely hungry plus I'm still losing almost 2 lbs a week (okay, not last week, but I did before that!). I know everyone needs to do what's best for them. This is working for me because I never feel deprived. I'm not losing weight super fast, but I really feel like I'll be able to stick with this program to my goal because I don't ever feel like cheating. But, I also know it's going to take me several months to reach my goal and THAT's not very exciting! I'm sure you know, Heather, that we're behind you 100% whatever you decide!
