Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Fun hike ladies. We did not make it up to Palisaides lake (either one) as the river was so high it was over the trail. We found another spot to hike and had a picnic on the top of a ridge with a wonderful view. Great fun, not too strenuous but a good taste of more to come (I hope). Good job ladies, especially Becky who was on her first hike and also on her birthday. I will meet my goals today.


  1. Yes, it was a fun hike even though it was different than what we expected.

    I just finished dinner, no more eating for today, and I met my goals. That makes me 15 out of 15 for June. I would love to share the prize with all of you! I hope you're taking advantage of our "repentance" clause.

  2. I'm glad you ladies had fun today! I met my goals today and feel great. I went to the gym and did my trainers workout, he actually came over and gave me a few new ideas! It really worked my core and my abs are sore. I always love when my abs are sore, because it reminds me there are muscles there!! :)
    Atkins is really going well, I am feeling strong and not hungry ever. I have paid for WW until July 18, so I will still go weight in until then.

  3. It sounds like it was lots of fun!
    Happy Birthday to Becky.
    Kim helped me figure out my blogging problem. I have missed talking to y'all.
