Monday, June 27, 2011


I would love to meet on Thursday instead of next week sometime. Maybe we could all bring our calendars and plan some hikes or a trip to Island Park or whatever. We need to spend $. I always feel like spending $ but we have a lot in the pot. I met my goals today, hope you did too. I don't feel like I am losing weight but we will see on Friday. I am good meeting where ever.


  1. I would really LOVE to plan some hikes!! I think meeting this week would be great. I met my goals today. Tomorrow is going to be a beauty, hope we all can enjoy it! Happy trails friends!

  2. I met my goals today too! It sounds like Thursday is good--at least for the 3 of us! Why don't we meet at my house at 5:30. We definitely need to plan some hikes!!

  3. Kim, I commented yesterday that you can meet at my house on Thursday. - Ilene
