Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday June 20th

No more eating today so I thought I'd post. I met my goals today-yahoo!

It was great to hear from Lisa. Heather, I can hardly wait until Friday to see the results of your Atkins diligence. Cherie, good job also. I'm looking forward to the time--which I know will be soon--that you reach your goal.

Have a great week!


  1. Way to go all of you. Glad you are back Lisa. Such a nice day. I got in a walk and a bike ride. I met my goals. Had a kiddie cone in a cup at Reeds but will use my extra W W points to cover that. For June I am 19 out of 20. Hope to meet my goals weight by the middle of July. High School reunion coming up the 5th of August so good incentive to keep going.

  2. I lost 5lbs. this week :0)

    Our "ward" volleyball team placed 4th out of 14th tonight at the Apple. We played for 3 1/2 hours tonight. I thought I was going to die...I hate that I am carrying around this extra person on me!! Especially when I'm jumping! :0) It's all good though I'm headed in the right direction and now my family is doing it with me which I think will make all the difference.

    Good job ladies!!
