Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday's Here!

It feels SO good to be back on track! I went to the blessed "food festival" at the fair last week. Aren't CORN dogs a vegetable? :0) I can't seem to escape a fair without one! or two!

BUT...I feel SO MUCH better being on track with my eating as we all know, it feels so much better to be a conscience eater....physically and mentally.

I picked up one more volleyball game during the week this last week, so now I play co-ed on Thursday nights in Rigby. Steve plays as well, so it's like a date night. Probably the most competitive I've played in a VERY LONG time. Boys! They just have to take everything so serious :0) It's SO MUCH FUN THOUGH. We played 3 hours straight. By the time we got home, both Steve and I could barely get out of the car...we both had a good laugh at each other about how old we must have looked all hunched over and wobbly.

Well, good luck to us all the rest of this week. I'm headed off to the camper with Steve for a couple of days. We have to give it back this weekend, so time to clean it out and hug it goodbye! :0( ......unless we buy it :0)


  1. Good to hear from you Lisa! Have a great weekend.

    45 days!!! Wow, Heather, this thing is coming up fast. I don't doubt that you'll stick to Atkins the whole time.

    Good job Cherie, too. You're right . . . we all should stick to our goals the next 45 days. I'd like to do that.

    I met my goals today.

  2. I met my goals. Happy trails my friends!

  3. Good report Lisa. Sounds like you are having such fun with volleyball. I am having a blast with my bike. As I said fair food is the devils dish. Good thing it is over. Sorry that the trailer is going away. Hike on Friday. Please come all of you. We are meeting at Kathy Henderson's house at 7 am. Some need to be back at 3 so that is the plan. Palisaides here we come.
