Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I'm so glad to hear you're all doing so well! What a team.

As far as my goals--for sure I've met my exercise goals this whole month. It's hard to say about the eating. I've modified my goals here and there so I'm not so sure I can say I've been 100%. I'll get back with you on that one!

One thing I 'd like to do in our group is list every possible activity any of us do in that column on the right--like races, going to the humanitarian center, etc. You just never know who might want to go. We can talk more about that on the 4th.

Have a great rest of the week!


  1. I met my goals! Happy trails my friends!

  2. Hey ladies. Met my goals but I think I need new ones. I can only say I met my goals about half the month of September. I did well with exercise but need to tweek nutrition. October I will be counting points again. Starting Sunday I am back on W W fulltime.
