Saturday, September 10, 2011

What's up with us?

Sounds like we are all stuggling with our goals in September. I know I am about every other day. Let's all get back on track tomorrow. Hope the fair was fun again Heather, you are the funnest mom ever.


  1. The fair was fun, again! Good grief tonight it was chicken rice bowl, carmel apple, scone nuggets, and kettle corn. So I figure I did good because I got a fruit and veggie in there. ;)
    As we have all said and all know, eating like this certainly makes you feel very fat and sick! Why on earth we do it over and over is beyond me. I'm honestly looking forward to some Atkins!
    Yes, indeed let's get back on track! Although I think Kim and Lisa are doing well, so kudos to them!
    Happy getting back on track Sunday to us all!

  2. Well, I know everyone will get back on track. I wonder if WW, Nutrisystem, and all those other weightloss moneymakers are secret sponsors of the fair???

    Anyway, the road to success is filled with a few bumps, and the important thing is to keep trying.
    It's true that I'm at 100% this month, but it's also true that I've lightened up on my expectations a bit. For example, I allowed myself a free meal at the Cheesecake Factory for my birthday. I had the whole piece of cheesecake, but only ate half of my orange chicken.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes! We had a great time in Salt Lake--perfect weather.
