Sunday, October 24, 2010


The rain is such fun. I have not been blogging because I have been a mess but I am not longer going to be one. You guys are doing so well, I appreciate your diligence and strength. 18 hours in a car with no M & M's is impressive, Ilene. The rest of you are impressive also. Way to go. Kathy, I love your funny posts. I too am blaming the last week on the mountain lion. I have no excuses this week.


  1. So I fell down my stairs today, my dog tripped me. I hurt my leg pretty good and went to the dr who said no excerise today. So I'm still counting my goals met cuz I went to the gym on Friday this last week and that is usually my day off. Good thing I did that. Hope we have a great goal met week~ we can do it, we can pass on candy!

  2. Yikes, Heather. I hope you heal quickly!

    Cherie, I'm sure you'll do well this week--well, except maybe for Wednesday. You may have to eat to calm your nerves.

    I met my goals today. And yes, I agree, we can definitely pass on the candy!
