Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wonderful weather

I hiked cress creek today with 6 of the grandkids, such fun. I am afraid we took along some junk food so I did not meet my goals today. Great day though. Glad you are with us Lisa, congrats on the 5 pound loss.

Is everyone planning on hiking on the 22nd? Palisaides lakes, beautiful place. I believe it is 4 miles to the lower one and 7 to the upper one. The lower one is not very pretty but the upper is gorgeous. Not very steep. Hopefully the weather will be fine. Probably an all day event, leave at 6:30 to be back by 5 or so. Let me know if you are in.


  1. Yes, I'm in on the hike! My friend Terry Ryan is coming too.

    I met my goals today.

    Good to hear from so many yesterday- Congratulations on the 5 lb. loss Lisa!

  2. I'm planning on the hike too. I also met my goals and actually worked out @ the gym for 2 hours tonight on the eliptical for 12 miles. Exercise is such an addiction! Yea Lisa for 5 lb loss, that's great!

  3. Way to go Lisa!
    I met my goals today.
