Sunday, October 3, 2010

Saturday the 2nd

I'm posting on Sunday (in Salt Lake!), but if you get a chance, add your results for Saturday on this post.

It was a great day here--listening to conference, nice weather, etc.

I had some challenges, but I did meet my goals.

My goals for the month:
1. Strictly follow the pre-planned menu I created for the month.
2. Weight-lifting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
3. At least 30 minutes aerobic exercise on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
(P.S. My plan included NO Halloween candy!)


  1. Kim, I hope you are enjoying conference while in SL.
    Saturday was great. I have a tradition of making cinnamon rolls for Saturday conference. I made them, and they looked good, but I didn't eat any. I met my goals for Saturday.
    I plan on meeting them for Sunday also.
    Enjoy conference!

  2. What a yummy tradition Ilene!. I met my goals yesterday and I am on track to meet them for today also!

  3. I am confused if we are posting on Sunday or Saturday but I will confess that for the month of October I am 3 for 3 with exercise goals and 1 for 3 with nutrition goals. Congratulations Ilene for being the winner for Sept, 100% is amazing. Welcome Lisa, I love your line about the pounds we will lose and the friends we will make. Too much of one not enough of the other. A hike on the 22nd sounds great, I hope the weather holds. Park City sounds fun too. For Heather, even with your naughty gym friend and the trip to Reeds I fear you. I will post my goals tomorrow since I am getting long winded. Julie, glad you are back. I forgot about Halloween treats, dang.

  4. I can see why you'd be confused! No one posted on Saturday, so early Sunday morning I tried to create a place for people to report their Saturday results. Now I'll start one for Sunday and see if I can get everyone really confused!
