Monday, January 2, 2012

Feels so good

Two days in a row of doing well. Feels so good. Mr treadmill is my friend. Keep control. Yeah baby.


  1. Go Cherie! I knew you'd do well once you got started again.

    I met my goals today. I'm making some changes in my exercise schedule this week--ramping things up a bit.

    I look forward to meeting with all of you tomorrow. Anyone else who's reading this--please know that you're welcome and invited to join us!! Healthy living isn't just about diet and exercise--you may have other areas in your life you want to work on this year that are important too.

  2. I talked to Chris Wheiler and emailed Becky Black about coming to the meeting tomorrow. Hope they join again. We will see.

  3. Great reports! I also met goals, wouldn't it be scandalous if I posted I didn't?!? :)

  4. I met my goals...once again, I'm happy I have them!

    See ya'll tomorrow :0)

  5. Yeah, it's five for five!
    I met mine too.
