Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Crazy Tuesday weather

Good day today. I met my nutrition and exercise goals. 1st time in awhile. I am done eating for the day so I can report that. Hope the rest of you are doing great.


  1. Good job ladies! I have been surviving. That is about all. I keep working on myself. I haven't fully met my goals in a while. Basically, when you don't hear from me I haven't met my goals. I haven't fully given up on myself. I can't do that. No progress has been made, but further damage hasn't been done. I enjoy reading about you meeting your goals. Keep it up. I'm working on it.

  2. Ilene~ you can do it!!! You really can...you are an awesomly strong individual....DO NOT GIVE UP EVEN PARTLY!! Get back at it tomorrow, it's always a new day and a fresh start. :)
    Cherie~ most excellent job on meeting both goals, that can be tricky indeed!

    Me~ I am doing fanstatic and I met my goals. I again must say that I love running and love the ablity that I have to do so. I am grateful for the body that I have and for the chance to change it into what I want it to be and for the struggle to make it that way. If it were easy I don't think I would appreciate it as much!

    Happy Trails Friends! Carry on...we can do this!

  3. I met my goals yesterday and today
