Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1st again

I met my goals today. Hope you did too. You are awesome.


  1. I met my goals today :0) Even went into Cafe Rio to get some food to go for Steve & his business partner and I got NOTHING!!! I can't believe I passed up the pork tacos that I love...wasn't too big of a deal though :0) This is going to be a good month for us all...I FEEL IT!!!

  2. Great to see so many comments yesterday!

    I met my goals today both in exercise and nutrition. That makes 2 days in a row . . . I'm on a roll!

  3. Great Lisa~ cafe rio is mighty tasty! I met my goals today too. Have a great hump day ladies!

  4. Yippi for one and all. I met my goals too! Full steam ahead! I plan on meeting my goals through the 15th of January when I will be back to post once again. Keep it up. We are doing great.

  5. I met my goals also. I started journaling what I ate and know that made a difference. I didn't eat as much. Great job everyone!
