Monday, January 10, 2011

Word to the wise

Note to self. Do not go to Pizza Pie Cafe (used to be Craigo's). Not good for low carb or any other kind of diet. Nuff said about how I did today other than I did meet my exercise goals.


  1. Met my goals today! Good workout, good food, good NAP ;-) Naps are not part of my goals, but DANG, it was a good one! :0)

  2. Oh Cherie that place is yummy! Lisa naps should be one of all of our goals, sleep is soo good for us! I met my goals. I go to the gym @ 5 in the morning to work with the trainer. I'm a little scared because he really pushes me hard core, but I'm also really looking forward to seeing what happens to my body fir the next 12 weeks! Anyway happy trails HLC and may we all have good things to report tomorrow!

  3. We went for a fun treat for FHE last night--Kiwi Loco frozen yogurt. I had Sugar free/fat free strawberry banana yogurt with strawberries, kiwi, blackberries and some sugar free candies on it--YUMMY! I felt like I was cheating, but it was all legal. The only thing that would have made it better would be if the temperature outside wasn't SO COLD!! I met my goals today.
