Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday is the day

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just the first step" Martin Luther King Jr
LOVE LOVE LOVE that quote!! I need to read it everyday and take one step at a time and before I know it I will be there at the top!! We all will!!! Happy Tuesday Friends...how has everyone's day been?? Mine started at 5 AM with a good ol butt kicking workout at the gym. I really honestly love this training stuff..he pushes me harder then I have ever been pushed and it's amazing what the human body can do. I love it and love the opportunity to train with him and to experience new level's of pain!
I met my goals today! Hope everyone is having a successful slendid Tuesday!! Love to you all and beyond grateful for your inspiration and cheering words everyday!


  1. Sounds grueling! Way to go.
    I met my goals today also.

  2. New levels of pain . . . that's an interesting way to put it! Good for you for working so hard, Heather.
    Ilene, you're doing great. Good job!

    I met my goals today. I decided to make a slight change in my eating plan. Instead of having a free DAY, I'm just going to have a free meal once a week. I'm just not seeing much weight loss, and I'm completely sticking to the BFL program 6 days a week. I think I'm gaining back whatever I lost on my free days! But, I do like the idea of being able to indulge once a week, so I think if I limit it to just one meal, I should see more success.
    I hope everyone is having a great week.

  3. I met my exercise goals today and almost met my eating goals--just one tiny deviation:)
