Sunday, January 9, 2011


We keep talking about getting together and cross country skiing. How about we meet at Elise's house on Friday Jan 14th at 2:30 (Kim said she was off by 2:00). We could round up the needed pairs of skis by then and give it a try in the safety of our neighborhood park. Those of you that are experienced cross country skiers could teach those of us who are not and we could practice our mad skills. Then on February 5th (Saturday) we could go to a real trail. Let me know what you think and if these times work for you. It would be fun to learn together.


  1. It sounds great! We're supposed to get more snow this week, so hopefully that means good skiing on Friday.

    Today was my free day. I don't feel like I overdid it, but I sure feel stuffed tonight. I'm feeling better so I'm ready to hit the gym hard next week. I'm not sure if I can keep up with Heather, but I'm going to work at it!

  2. Count me in! Hooray!! I have wanted to get into winter sports for a long time. I have a feeling I'm going to love it! :D So yes, plan on coming over here on Friday afternoon and we'll ski out the back fence. I wear 6 1/2 shoes-- does anyone have a set I can borrow, or should I rent one? I'm fine either way.

    I met all of my exercise goals this week, which is great, but my weight has stayed the same. I think I need to go ahead and implement some eating goals to. I don't like doing that-- who does, right?-- but I know I need to. So, I'm adding to my goals: gym 5 days per week and no unplanned sugar. I've found that if I plan my meals, I'm actually a pretty healthy eater. It's the unplanned, impulse snacking that gets me. Wish me luck!

  3. As far as I know now Friday will work for me. I have an extra set of skiis (about a womens size 8) someone can borrow. I met my goals that last 2 days.

  4. Friday sounds fun, but our escrow is closing that day and hopefully I can move my kitchen over that afternoon. So, I'm out, BUMMER!!

    But no worries, I'm game for just getting out there cold turkey and just doing it on the day of the trip. I think I'm pretty coordinated, and if not and I look like an idiot out there, maybe it'll give ya'll a good laugh for the day :0)

    I'm thrilled for a great week of working out and eating healthy!

    Have a good week ladies!

  5. I'm out....I gotta work. But have a grand time ladies! I met my goals today. Kim~ don't be run circles around me.
