Saturday, January 29, 2011

saturday ski day

Just got home from the ward ski fun! Aubrey and Chase took lessons and had a good time. I met my excersise goals but didn't eat great but not aweful either...but can't count it cuz it was not suppose to be a free day.


  1. I'm sad that I missed the ski party! I'll bet it was a lot of fun.

    Supposedly I'm in SUNNY California, but yesterday it was foggy all day and today it's raining! That's okay though . . .I didn't come here for the weather. It was fun to jog yesterday in the park--first time I've run outside since October.

    I met my goals on Saturday. My stepmother is on Weight Watchers, so there's lots of healthy food around here.
    We really need a Trader Joe's in IF. (That's where she does most of her shopping.)

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
