Thursday, August 16, 2012

Rule #2: Don't Drink Your Calories

So it sounds like all 2 of us agree that rule #1 is a good one.

The next rule has to do with drinks.  Bob says drinking your calories is a bad idea.  He's talking about alcohol (I think we've all got that one covered!), pop, store-bought juice . . . stuff like that.  I agree with him.  I used to have lemonade or other similar drinks all the time and was amazed when I found out they're usually about 100 calories per cup, and it doesn't take long to drink several cups.  I pretty much drink only water now, so this rule won't be hard to follow.

I'm sad to see the Upcoming Events column becoming so short!! Maybe we need to plan for 2013 so we have lots of activities to list!

1 comment:

  1. I have tried to drink only water or no calorie drinks for years. Makes such a differnce in calories. I too am sad that our activities are coming to an end. We will have to plan some for the winter blah months too.
