Monday, August 20, 2012

Rule #4 Slash intake of refined flour and grains.

Well, I think this is a pretty obvious one.  I don't want to say that I never, ever eat white flour, but it's actually pretty rare.  He also says to eat brown over white rice (done).  I had oatmeal this morning!  So to me this is a pretty easy rule to follow, and I also don't think it's very controversial.  Thoughts?

I've been doing well the past little while on my goals.  In fact, I'm just 4 lbs away from opening up the clothes box for the next size down.  It's kind of like a ritual/reward.  I went to DI today and found some size 6 Banana Republic summer pants that still had the original tags on.  I bought them for next year.  How's that for positive thinking!

Cherie, have a great time!  Heather, wow, you're almost there!  Lisa, I hope you're still checking in on us when you can.

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