Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ah repentence

Sounds like the end of March there will be a lot of repenting going on. I completed my repentence but did need forgiveness in the month of March. I am posting early because there were no posts yesterday (too much partying for spring break going on). I wanted to report good news. Keep in mind I had bad news for Nov Dec Jan and Feb, so I was due. I stuck to Weight Watchers new program through most of the month of March and from March 2nd until March 30th I lost 10.8 pounds. Yeah. Too bad most of it was the 8 pounds I gained in the four months prior. I am going to keep going now and it will be new poundage (is that a word?). If anyone wants to try something new the new W W plan is easier to stick to than the old one. April is going to be a great month for all of us. See you at the HLC meeting on Monday.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


If you have not seen today's front page of the Post Register be sure and look. Our own HLC member Annette is the big picture and article above the fold. Awesome article and well deserved. It is great to see some of your many talents recognized. Annette you look great in real life and in the picture, can't wait to hear how much you have lost recently. Heather, glad you are having fun, you can be good again when you get home. Kim, hope the road trip is going well. Hope the rest of you are enjoying this lovely spring break (or is it winter break)? I met my goals today, weigh in is tomorrow.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Early to bed

I must be the first one to get to bed lately since I am the first poster the last few days. I met my goals again today. Love it after months of struggle.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring Break

Hope all of you have fun plans for spring break. When your kids are all gone it is just another week but I hope you have fun. I met my goals yesterday and today. I can't remember when our next meeting is. Anyone know? It should be soon. I plan to weigh in at weight watchers on Wednesday so I have to be good until then. Finish the month strong ladies. Those of you that I saw at church today look so good. Keep up the good work.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Stange weather, good day

I had a successful day, hope you did too.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring, please

Ilene, I agree we all need spring. Hope you can get out from under the train. I have been there and it is hard but you can do it. Way to run Heather. You are right about easter candy, it calls to us as we drive by any store in town. Hope you are doing well Kim. Good luck on your road trip. Keep up the good work Annette, you look great. I have been out of town much of this week but managed to stay on top of eating, not so good with exercise. For March I have messed up 3 days nutritionally and missed 4 expected exercise days. Not great but so much better than the last 4 months.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I met my goals today. I hope you're all doing well . . .wherever you are!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Good day

Had a good day, hope you did too.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Grand day

It is a grand day because my 1 year old granddaughter is here to entertain us. Such fun. I met my goals today, hope you did too.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I met my goals again. I'm actually looking forward to walking and riding the bike at the gym tomorrow.

I hope you're all doing well! Have a great week.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

March madness

March madness for B Ball and for the crazy weather. Hope all you all had a good day today. I met my goals.

Friday, March 18, 2011


I have no creative title for today...lame! Anyway I met my goals today. Hope everyone is doing well and has a wonderful weekend!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Windy Thursday

Why is every day windy? I met my goals today. I am hungry tonight but will just go to bed as soon as Utah State loses, bummer. I sleep so much better after a good day of exercise and nutrition, why do I blow it so often? Hope you are having good days also. So glad you are back Annette and have fun Ilene wherever you are going.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wild Wednesday

Lovely weather today, all over the place. I had a good day today, met my goals. I am weighing in on Friday at Weight Watchers so need to be careful tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ides of march

Good ol Shakespeare... Hope your day has been good. I met my goals.

Monday, March 14, 2011

I'm Back

Hi Healthy Living friends. I haven't posted forever, but have been diligent in keeping my goals. I did a round of HGC and lost well and now am ready for the real work of keeping it off with a no sugar/carb diet and exercise. I have been so busy with Guys and Dolls that I haven't had time to post, but also haven't had time to cheat either :) 2 more days of the show and then I get to return everything I've been rounding up for sets and props--fun, fun!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday, Sunday. So good to me. . .

It was a great day.
I met my goals today.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The real Saturday

Look. I posted first twice today! I'm sure that I'm the only one who is impressed.
I met my goals today.
Cherie, you made me giggle when I read that you need to "repent" twice. If you're not careful you'll run out of repentance days. (I'm just joking with you. I think you are so cute!)


I figured out how to contribute first. I know, I AM a dinosaur when it comes to computers! And probably a few other things too.
I had a great week. It's pretty pathetic when I'm thrilled to lose one pound in a week, but I am. At this rate it could take me a year to get to where I'd like to be. It hasn't been painful, though, and I think that is a lifestyle that I can live with.
I met my goals on Friday.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


OK day today. I could have done better but not too bad. The cookie I ate at book group was yummy, thanks Heather, it fixed my sweet craving but did not keep me from my goals. Good luck all.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I met my goals today! I hope you're all doing well. I'm not going to write much since it's a little difficult with one hand, but I do need to say that the body is an amazing thing! My arm already feels so much better and it has only been 5 days. No hydrocodone today--back to school tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Don't give up!

Exciting times, Lisa!

It sounds like some of us are doing great, but some get to repent. I know I'm in that boat. I haven't been terrible, but I haven't been 100%. So starting tomorrow-really-I'm going to count points (Weight Watchers) and then find out on Monday what kind of exercise I can do. I won't be weighing myself again until mid-April, so I thought it would be interesting to see what kind of progress I can make in the next 6-7 weeks.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Biggest Looser!

Hey Ladies! Just had a great conversation with Moses from this season's biggest looser! What a great guy! He was at Hanna's volleyball practice tonight and I was able to talk with him for about 20 minutes. He's such an inspiration, and a wonderful father! I paid close attention to him this season because I knew that he and his daughter Kaylee were from Shelly. They were one of 3 LDS couples on this season, and I had read on facebook that he held sacrament mtgs in his room on Sunday's on the ranch (which he confirmed) he also said they had testimony mtgs as well each week. Kinda COOL!

I invited him and his daughter to play volleyball with us on Weds at Apple starting in April. We'll see if anything comes of that :0)

Well...I had a great goal met day today! Hope all is well with ya'll!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chocolate balls of pure delite!!!

Darn cadbury eggs and a good book ruined my goals today!! I can't buy those delish little freckled chocolate eggs anymore, because obviously I think I need to eat at least half a bag in one sitting.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Kim is a tough chick

Yesterday Kim and I were skiing. She was doing so great and getting faster and more confident. She had a fall half way through the day and broke her arm (maybe in three places). She made it off the hill on a snowmobile, sat in the ski patrol lodge and made it back to IF with a smile on her face and no tears. Can't believe her guts and glory. Kim, glad you decided not to take time of from HLC, we would miss you so much. The rest of us can take a page from Kim and keep on smiling despite obstacles in our way.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Early today

I have a crazy afternoon and evening but a calm morning so am posting now. Sounds like everyone is doing great, Elise, let us know how diet repentence works. Hoping to hear from you, Becky. Good news, after gaining weight the last several months I lost 4 pounds my first week of weight watchers (not even a week since I started Monday). Good weigh-in and good motivation to keep going. Good luck to all of you, you are awesome.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 3, how you doing?

I saw Becky at the gym today being totured by her trainer. Looked like fun. I am going in for a W W weigh in tomorrow and I am going out to dinner tonight. I will have to make some good choices. So far so good for day 3. Hope all of you are doing well, would love a post from everyone so we are all in it together.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

2nd of March

WOOHOO another goal met day, and I am down 4 lbs from last week. I am going to head to the gym in about an hour to run 4 miles and I am looking forward to it. The SLC half marathon is in 6 weeks from this Saturday!! It's good for me to have these races coming up because it really keeps me focused. The weather is starting to cooperate and that is sure nice! Hope everyone continues on with their success. Happy trails HLC!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Its going to be a goal met Lucky March

I met my goals! Sorry to have missed HLC, darn work!