Monday, April 30, 2012

Last day

I always look forward to a new month so tomorrow I will start fresh and do better.  Did OK today, hope all of you did great.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Something looks wrong!

Have I been away that long?? Now our blog looks completely different! Hmmmm...well, at least I'm posting I suppose!

What a glorious Sunday! I love the Sabbath Day!

I met my goals and am looking so forward to a new week...Hope all is well with ya'll!

Good to sit by Kim and Heather today, except I was tempted to talk too much in Sunday School, I can't sit by you guys anymore! I'm sorry I couldn't shut up....

Have a great week ladies!

Saturday, April 28, 2012


That's interesting that you can't post Heather--so I'll do it for both day!

I'm doing well--sticking to my goals (which aren't super strict!).  I'm gearing up, though, for 100 day challenge #3.  If we start on May 24, we'll finish on August 31st which I thought was kind of nice because it's the end of summer plus Labor Day weekend is right after that.  Who's in for this challenge?  I'm sure I'll do okay this time because I don't want to lose any more money!

Ilene--I feel like you've made the 100 days since you started early, so it's okay with me if you enjoy the Seattle cuisine.

I hope you're all having a great weekend.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Hey.  Goals met yesterday.  I will be in Boise the next three days and plan to be strong.  Keep rolling.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Met goals again.  Love it.  Fun bike ride today even in the wind. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Three days of sunshine

Wow. Three days in a row. Amazing. GM here, love it, love it. I have missed you Annette, Lisa and Ilene.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth day!

Recovery day... I'm sore today but it feels good because of the reward I feel by accomplishing the race. Goals met. Hope everyone is doing well. We are on our last week of this month, finish strong ladies! I'm super blessed by your friendships and examples in my life! Thank you to each one of you for being my friends, examples, and inspirations! I treasure you!!!G

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Good job Kim and Heather

I heard from Kim and Heather and they did awesome in their race. It is an amazing thing they accomplished. I have had a great today. Time on the treadmill early this morning, then a 12 mile bike ride and then a walk around the green belt (twice). Loved the beautiful weather. G M here hope your were too. Tomorrow will be fun to see who the new Bishop is.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Stop with the wind already

Waiting to go on a nice long bike ride with no wind. Got a speedometer etc on my bike today looking forward to using it. Good luck with the hand therapy Ilene, hope you get full use back soon. Kim and Heather keep us posted. Hope you are doing well with your crazy, busy life Lisa. GM today, dinner at Jaker's but the salmon was great.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday and a glorious day at that

Met goals. I went to cheesecake factory for dinner and had a yummy salad and lowcarb cheesecake!! Happy times. Now I'm at the movies waiting for it to start at 9:45 at night!! Party times down here in Utah! Hope everyone is doing fantastic!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wind wind wind

I made the mistake today of wearing a skirt that was billowy and I flashed the parking lots of about every store in town, lots of errands and then a trip to the temple which is why the skirt. Not good planning on my part. I had a party at my house tonight for some neighbors that are moving and served food that would not tempt me to blow my goals. GM today. Good luck to Kim and Heather. Please post if you can and tell us how it goes.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Counting down to Salt Lake! I happened to see all the members of the HLC today (except Annette). Thanks for all the well wishes! Maybe the rest of you will join us next year :)

I met my goals today.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday and are your taxes in?!?

Hola friends!! Met goals and feel terrific! Hoping everyone else is also!

Sunday, April 15, 2012


OK. I need a kick in the behind to stop eating junk food. I want to join in the challange (I know it is almost over and I am late to the party). I think there are 35 or 36 days left so count me in. I have been doing great with exercise but horrible with nutrition so starting tomorrow, No junk food for me, counting weight watcher points and tracking food is the goal every day until May 21. Hope that is OK with those of you that have been faithful all along. What would I do without you guys? Count me in $35 would buy me a new pair of pants so I plan to keep my $ and be good.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

2 Interesting articles

Someone sent me a link to a youtube which is a thing they showed on 60 Minutes called "Is Sugar Toxic?" It was very interesting, although I was surprised that they acted like this was shocking, revolutionary information! Everything the doctor says on there is stuff we HLC members already knew, but it is interesting to hear some of the evidence. We're just ahead of our time!

Another article I happened to come across had to do with how eating carotenoids can give your skin a natural tan! I'm interested in that because I try to avoid sun exposure, but I sure like the look of bronze skin! So this article said that people who ate at least 5 servings a day of these foods developed "a healthy, slightly darker glow." In a study when other people were shown pictures of people who ate the carotenoids compared with people who were tanned (I can't remember if it was a natural tan or fake), they chose the healthy eaters as the ones with more beautiful skin. If you're like me, you're probably wondering what foods we're talking about. Here are the top 10: sweet potatoes, kale, carrots, turnip greens, mustard greens, spinach, collards, dried herbs, butternut squash, and dark colored lettuce.

On another note, I was wondering if anyone was opposed to a few changes in the calendar. 1) Could we change the June

Friday, April 13, 2012


I thought I did so well when we were gone but got on the scale today and gained 2 pounds. Sounds like I need to follow you around for a day or two Lisa, you are too busy to eat. Thanks for keeping me going my friends.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Wow my life has been crazy!! I'm coaching volleyball and playing three times a week, I've got 2 girls in Ballroom, one in track, one in softball, one playing in two different volleyball leagues...all I can say is....thank goodness my boy is on his mission!! :0) I guess life could be crazier!

I've met my goals and going strong to the finish this time!!

Hope ya'll have a great weekend! i don't know if I'll have time to post again...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Hard to post but today's travel day got the best of me. Hope the rest of you held strong.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


So fun to read of everyone's success!! I saw Melanie Kuns tonight and she mentioned she'd be joining us. Welcome Melanie! Annette, we're missing you!

I met my goals today. Heather and I had a great run in our shorts and t-shirts. We're counting down to the SL half-marathon,

Hunger games

I went to Hunger Games tonight. I thought of you Lisa. It did not make me hungry but dinner at Texas Roadhouse before did me in for my goals. Great day for exercise though. Long walk in the 89 degree weather and then a cooling swim. Lovely. Long drive home tomorrow but it sure has been great it the sunshine. Hope you are enjoying the great sunshine there as well.

Monday, April 9, 2012


It's late--I'm just about to start my exercising--yikes! But I wanted to sign in and let you know I met my goals today! Have a great week.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Glorious Easter

Such a beautiful day for Easter celebrations. So fun to be able to be outside and not freeze. Goals met here, three days in a row (for me lately that is good). You all inspire me. Got to have dinner tonight with a dear friend, younger than I am, that has been in poor health for years. We HLC members are so blessed to be able to exercise and come and go as we please. My friend has not even been able to drive for the last year. Every day I express my gratitude for a healthy body and count it as one of my greatest blessings.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Special Saturday

How exciting... Staying up late to play Peter Cotton tail, or as my cute 5 year old niece says... The Easter Rabbit!
Kim and I ran 12 miles today, and we didn't stop. I met my goals but really really wanted Easter Candy today... But I was good! I hope everyone enjoys there Sunday celebrating Easter!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter weekend

I hope all of you have a wonderful Easter weekend!


Thursday, April 5, 2012


I met my goals and tomorrow is Friday!!! Happy trails my friends.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday, 4/4

I wrote a long comment on yesterday's post that you may (or may not!) want to read.

It was fun meeting with everyone. You're all looking so great. You too Ilene! Everyone looks healthy and vibrant.

I'm looking forward to a successful month. I plan to move into the next decade (finally) by the end of the month. I'll let you know when it happens.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday the 3rd!!

Goals met. Super great to see you ladies today, you women rock my socks!! 47 more days ladies... Get on the wagon, you'll thank yourself!! I promise! :)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Weird weather

Any kind of weather you like was available today. Still have a house full of company needing to be fed and watered. Will the cookie baking ever stop.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April fools....

Did anyone do any tricks??
I ran 11 miles this morning while listening to confrence and it was cold, windy and amazing!! I am so excited to run in the SLC half marathon and know Kim and I will do well, we are very well trained!
I met my goals!! Day 50 is DONE!! Only 50 more to go! I had hopes of being at my goal by the end of this 100 day challenge and I honestly think I will be there! It's amazing what happens with full compliance and perseverance!
I loved the talks and needed to hear some of them! I hope my friends of the HLC are well, I feel like I'm the lone ranger here lately, guess I need to get more of a life huh? :) happy trails my friends!