Sunday, August 8, 2010

Successful Sunday

Hello Friends!! Today has been successful for me~ I met my goals. I even made homemade oatmeal/chocolate chip cookies and spaghetti. I had veggies and Chicken and no cookies, while the family had the rest. Yea for me. I won't be able to post tomorrow since I will be at Lagoon. I am going to do my running work out @ 5:30 in the morning though~ so overall it should be a wonderful day. Hope you all have a wonderful start to your successful week!!


  1. Heather, you are always so positive! Good job for today. Chocolate chip oatmeal cookies are the hardest to resist!
    We had dinner at my Pocatello daughter's. I did pretty well except that I did have some of my mom's homemade lemon meringue pie. I justified it by thinking that this would tie me with Heather!
    Yes, if any one else is reading this, Heather and I are running at 5:30 tomorrow morning. We're not letting anything stop us from being as prepared as possible for our half marathon.
