Wednesday, August 1, 2012

It's August!

Happy new month everyone!  We all seem to being doing well, so let's continue on this road in August!

Heather, have fun in Escalante!  Cherie, have fun at your best ever triathlon.  Lisa, are you there??  I will also have fun this month just doing all of our activities--big hike on the 10th, bike rides . . . it's been a fun summer.


  1. Love the enthusiasm!!! I love this group! I'm doing fantastic goal wise and feeling super!!! I'm thinner then I've been in 10 years....what an accomplishment! I'm happy to have journeyed it with such supporters!! We are on our way to Escalante now and looking forward to some relaxation and playing mixed in with excerise!! I'll keep in touch and hope you sweet ladies have a most blessed and happy day!!!

  2. I am loving the summer also. Been so much fun. Looking forward to the two big upcoming hikes and more lunches and bike rides. Love spending time with you guys. Spent all day moving my son and all their stuff as well as cleaning in preparation for move. Good calorie burn but someone brought lots of junk food and I grabbed some each time I walked by, now I feel gross. Why do I do this? Oh well I did great the rest of the week and will do so tomorrow. August 2nd will be my new start (again).
