Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 14

Hi everyone--
So, we've been at this for 2 weeks now! We seem to be having mixed results, but I think the important thing is to never, ever give up. (There's a famous quote something like that somewhere.) In today's post, let's share how we've done so far and what our plan is for the next 75 days. Maybe the rest of you don't need it, but I definitely need to make some recommitments! Yeah for great weather!


  1. The first week I lost 2 lbs, but the second week I found those 2 lbs plus a little more. I could blame my slip-up on my trip, but really, I could have done better. I feel glad that my exercise has become such a habit. My roommates in Boise were amazed at how much I walked, but it wasn't any more than what we're all doing! Since I was unable to work out with Chalene last week, and I had only done one week before that, I decided just to start the 90 day program over tomorrow. I don't know if it really matters whether or not I do the whole 90 days together, but it can't hurt just to start again. Even though we're going on a trip in July, I can take my weights with me since we're driving. About the eating, that's an area I really need to make some serious changes! I was extra careful the first 5 or 6 days, but then I started slacking. I was doing the Perfect 10 diet which works well when followed. For the first three weeks you can eat fruits, vegetables, nuts (sparingly), lower fat proteins--basically whole foods and no white sugar, white flower, or any type of grains (those are added in later). I'm going to start it again tomorrow. I've given up hope of winning any money at the end (haha), but having to report to all of you each day is motivational! I wish everyone great success the rest of the summer--

  2. I have done fantastic these 2 weeks! I will weight myself tomorrow (I do it only on Monday's)but the first week I lost 12 lbs. I have met my goals everyday for the last 14 days, and I feel great! My excercise has really improved and I am lifting more weight and doing more reps, as well as having to increase the level on the elipcial to produce a heart rate of 150-160. Eating wise has been grand, doing atkins just has a way of making you do it! And I honestly feel so much better when I eat Atkin's compared to anything else. I am not generally hungry and it really grounds me to being very choosey and specific with the food I eat (which works for me since I have NO self control when I can eat anything) so having to stick to certain foods just seems to work. I will not say that it's super easy (pizza, chocolate, cookies, bread) often sound really yummy, but I just continue to repeat to myself "actions speak priorites" when I face a hot loaf of homemade bread or hot cheesy pizza and then it's easier to make a good choice. Becuase I am super motivated to make myself a priority and becoming healthy and thinner really does feel so much better then the guilt if I cave or the added weight gain. I am totally getting the money at the end of this HLC~ it's become like a challege for mysself~ to meet my goals for all 90 days. I can totally do it and I will! (aren't I cocky?!!) I really couldn't do it without all of you, you inspire me, help me, challenge me, and support me! Thanks for being my friends!!! Have a fantastic goals met week friends!!

  3. Great Scott~ sorry about my spelling and grammer in the above post. I didn't even proof it before I posted it. Kim~ perhaps you can teach me english?!? :)
