Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 4--Only 86 more

Thanks, Elise, for jazzing up our blog. It looks great!

I definitely earned my exercise points today--ChaLean Extreme for 55 minutes, then Elise and I jogged about 2 miles, and then we went to Craters of the Moon and went on a few hikes!

I met my eating goals today too. I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well. Let's keep it up!


  1. Hey Elise this looks great!! Thanks for doing it for us! Great job Kim~that is a lot of working out. I met my goals today.
    I think I will go for a little drive out to the bone and back course if anyone wants to go we could go whenever after church, just let me know if you can and want and we can plan it. Good job everyone for being so good this first 4 days. It's seriously amazing to have the support and accountablity~ it makes a huge difference for me.

  2. Hey ladies. I love the new look of the blog. I had a hard time reading the darker version so thanks Elise. Sunday afternoon sounds great to go check out the course. I am in as far as I know now. I may have a grandbaby here though so we shall see. I met my goals today. Good job on the exercise Kim. How is the Chalean program? Keep up the good work.

  3. I'm really liking ChaLean extreme. It's hard enough to let me know I'm working, but not so hard that I feel like quitting. Since it's mostly weights, anyone of any fitness level can do it since you choose the weight that's best for you. I'll have a better answer to this question in 90 days when I'll be able to see if my body has made any changes. I took a before picture in a sports bra and stretchy exercise shorts (never to be shown to the public!), so I should have a pretty good idea in 3 months whether or not the program made any difference. Thanks for asking!

  4. My 6AM class was cancelled this morning, so I decided to sleep in and do a video here at home. It was 50 minutes long, but took nearly an hour and 20 minutes to finish because I kept having to pause to get something for the kids or to move Neil out of the way! I've learned my lesson: if I want to get a good workout, I have to do it in the morning when everyone is still asleep!
