Friday, December 10, 2010

10 days in a row for all of us I think

Day 10. I think we are all doing great. I met my goals again today. I have missed two days of exercise and two days of eating right, since I too have a free day once a week I will have to be careful for the next 4 days. I met my goals today, hope you did too. It is getting harder the closer Christmas gets as I know treats will be arriving more frequently. Dave brought home a big box of chocolates today. Tough stuff. Just say no!


  1. I met my goals today. I absolutly LOVE that we are doing so well. It sure is fun to be in control and be eating so well. Its the weekend and I'm happy!

  2. I met my goals too! It really is fun that we've all been doing so well this month. Who knows what happened to us in naughty November. I'm so glad we've made the turnaround now instead of waiting until January. I thought I would have a hard time at school with the daily treats, but I've actually done completely fine. It's been great. Today was my free day for eating. (I did exercise pretty hard though!) I still need to work on eating a little less on my free day, but at least I did better than last week. I'm currently working up a plan to do the Body for Life program 100% starting in Jan. Right now I'm doing the diet but my own exercise plan. I'm going to switch because I'm going for the $25000 in 2011! If I happen to win, I'll treat the entire HLC to dinner. haha

  3. You're on, Kim. I met my goals today.
